About TartAMI
Tatami mats are usually used as floor mats in Japan. But we begun to use tatami mats that is used and became like a vintage as a canvas. we believe these art is definitely ECO-friendly in keeping with SDG’s. This is truly Japanese traditional art.
From ancient times, it is popularly believed that old objects that are used by people long time become gods. (付喪神 Tsukumo-gami)
So maybe the art that is used old tatami mat has a spirit and become god.

Issay Fujiwara
Born on October 24th, 1990.
Issay's father is a craftsman of tatami mats. the store is running over 80 years.
From childhood, Issay touched tatami and it became a part of his life.
Issay think tatami culture is under the extinction. So it needs something new for keeping tatami culture alive.